Picking nipper,Denting hook,Crochet needle heald,Iron comb Textile Scissors And other textile hardware tools provided by Xinxiang Xinda Textile accessories.

Picking nipper(Double Love brand)
Xinxiang City Xinda Textile accessories main products 1511,1515,1515K, GA611,GA615 and other types of shuttle loom spare parts, 44",52",56",63",75", 100",110"width weaving machine parts,textile machinery parts,hardware tools, textile and textile ceramics loom accessories,wood products, rubber ring, polymer buffer node picking knot,nylon shuttle and plastic bobbins and other types of components,and run the second-hand weaving machine transfers and sales

80# Denting hook,picking nipper,weaver scissor,denting hook

Xinxiang City Xinda Textile Accessories Main 1511,1515,1515 K, GA611, GA615 and other models arewoven cloth accessories, offers 44 ", 52", 56 ", 63", 75 ", 100", 110 "and other pieces broadcategories of components woven machine parts, textile machinery parts, textile hardware tools, textile ceramic parts, loom wood products, rubber, leather knot ring buffer, polymer pickingguitar, nylon yarn shuttle and plastic tubes, and at the same time camp hand loom swap and sales.
- UP:Single Heald Hook,Drawing-in Hook