Our company supplies the belt wheel disc 4100-2 of 1515 loom all year round. The full name of the accessories is triangular belt pulley joint. It is a cast iron textile accessory with an outer diameter of 595 mm. It consists of 4101C belt wheel disc and 412 iron-based bushing. The belt pulley of loom is fixed on the crank shaft 3209. The gap between the belt pulley and the bending shaft of loom is required to be less than 0.4 mm.
The belt pulley F00-4 of 1511 loom consists of F201+A38 axle lining with an outer diameter of 467.5mm. It has pig iron parts for textile machinery, grey iron castings and shuttle loom transmission parts.
Type 1511-44 triangular belt is A1700, and type 1515 loom uses A2286.
The matching clutch (red ductile iron) is shown below.
Belt tray, Belt pulley,loom accessories, 1515 loom - Huixian Xinda Textile Machinery Accessories Co., Ltd. products, welcome to order!