Textile cow leather and picker equipment,R parts,leather products,nitrile canvas equipment,aircraft licensing R14 junction(31.5mmX36mm),the promotion of sliding leather,textile polymer leather knot.Products are mainly applicable to multi-brand woven fabric looms!

Xinxiang City Xinda Textile accessories main products 1511,1515,1515K,GA611,GA615 and other types of shuttle loom fittings,44",52",56",63",75",100",110 "width loom parts,textile machinery parts, hardware tools, textile and textile ceramic parts,rubber products, wooden loom,picking stick,buffer ring,polymer picking knot(loom picker),nylon shuttle and plastic bobbins and other types of components,and run the second-hand weaving machine transfers and sales.

Weaving machine parts, including textile machinery parts,textile and hardware tools, textileceramic parts,loom wood products,rubber,leather knot, picking knot,ring buffer, polymerpicking guitar,nylon and plastic bobbin shuttle and other categories components,whileconcurrently with the sale of second-hand looms swap.

Leather pillow belt(double),material:nitrile canvas.