1515 Textile Machine Parts
Shuttle Loom Temple Needle Ring 3900-2 -
3909x3910 Temple Seat And Extension Seat -
Multi Loom Shuttle Box Bottom Plate 8124 -
SJ-36 Reciprocating Rod Adjusting Screw -
Multi Shuttle Loom Shuttle Box Cover 8125 -
SJ-60 Reciprocating Rod Of Let Off Device -
3308 Thrash Plate M.S Shuttle Loom Parts -
External Let-off Accessory SJ-62 Let-off Kick -
75" Loom Parts External Let-off Parts SJ-49 -
1515-3428 Let-off Worm Wheel (Single Head) -
1515T loom Picking Disc Rotor Disc 2401/02 -
Side Support Cover (Extension Cover) 3914