纺织机械配件(Textile machinery and accessories)、织布机零部件(Loom parts)、纺织瓷件、织机配件、有梭纺织配件、纺织机零件、纺织五金(Textile Hardware)、纺织皮件R件、纺织木件(Textile and wood pieces)、高分子配件等由鑫达纺织配件提供!


Huixian City Xinda Textile Machinery Accessories Main 1511,1515,1515 K, GA611, GA615 and other models arewoven cloth accessories, offers 44 ", 52", 56 ", 63", 75 ", 100", 110 "and other pieces broadcategories of components woven machine parts, textile machinery parts, textile hardware tools, textile ceramic parts, loom wood products, rubber, leather knot ring buffer, polymer pickingguitar, nylon yarn shuttle and plastic tubes, and at the same time camp hand loom swap and sales.
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